Dangers of the Mass Media

Dangers of the Mass Media

What is mass media? People use television newspaper, Radio, Internet to communicate and get information about the world through mass media.

Fifteen years ago we had limited Ways of communicating with others, such as Print Media, Newspapers, Magazine, Television, and Radio.

Now a mass media has developed in great way. Within few seconds the news spread over the world through Internet, wireless electronic, Cable TV, and PDAS.
It is and advantage but there is a lot of danger.

The tree types of danger have been identified. They are violence, passivity and addictively.

The violence

The TV programmers are full of violence and it can be effects the children. The average time of watching TV in USA is 7 hours and 37 minutes. Children are affected by these programs and they try to do dangerous things imitating the scenes in such tele dramas.

The Passivity

People get used to sit before the TV and watch it for a long time which make them passive. They can’t understand the different between fantasies and reality. They can’t make correct decision about the life. This state is called couch – potato culture.


The people are addicted to the internet. They just wander cyber space for a long time. They access to the internet for several times on a day to look for e-mails, just wasting time.

Increasing advertising

There are too much of advertisements on TV. Now TV is not providing entertainment. The main goal is earning money through advertisements. The programs are wrapped by advertisements.

 (This essay was written by listening to the mp3 on blackboard.)


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