
Showing posts from March, 2017

Myths about Online Learning

Myths about Online Learning I read this article on above topic. There are many interesting and important details.  I can agree with some details but some are not so. I would like to discuss on several facts. I agree with the 3 rd myth – “It’s put the teacher profession at risk” actually this fact is a myth. A teacher is a special person who gives knowledge, attitude and skills to the students with dedication. The teacher - student relationship is a valuable human quality. It may influence the student’s life. Online learning does not have such qualities. It is another man made programme to enhance the teaching and learning process. A teacher who likes to change traditional way of teaching and adapt to modern methods can be a perfect teacher. Then I would like to comment on 25 th myth – “ its does not provide real life experience”  I feel this fact is not a myth it is true. Class room learning is a real life learning which help to socialize the students.

Dangers of the Mass Media

Dangers of the Mass Media What is mass media? People use television newspaper, Radio, Internet to communicate and get information about the world through mass media. Fifteen years ago we had limited Ways of communicating with others, such as Print Media, Newspapers, Magazine, Television, and Radio. Now a mass media has developed in great way. Within few seconds the news spread over the world through Internet, wireless electronic, Cable TV, and PDAS. It is and advantage but there is a lot of danger. The tree types of danger have been identified. They are violence, passivity and addictively. The violence The TV programmers are full of violence and it can be effects the children. The average time of watching TV in USA is 7 hours and 37 minutes. Children are affected by these programs and they try to do dangerous things imitating the scenes in such tele dramas. The Passivity People get used to sit before the TV and watch it for a long time which make


Reading The meaning of reading is, look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed. Reading has been at all times and in all ages a great source of knowledge. Today my ability to read is highly improved Reading skills are essential to succeed in college. Those who are good readers tend to exhibit progressive social skills. A person who is widely read is able to mix with others. He is a better conversation a list then those who do not read. He can stand his ground. Reading broadens the vision. It is in a way a substitute for travel.  Having confidence in reading only comes from the daily practice of reading. A good reader can interact with others in a far better way because reading has widened his vision and point of view. Thus a widely-read man is a better conversation a list and is able to see the other side point of view. I love reading. I have read newspapers comic book magazines, m
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND PREFERRED LEARNING STYLES Last week I learn a new theories called multiple intelligences and preferred learning styles those theories are related to educational phycology. I think those concepts are very use full to a student to organize learning activates according to his learning style. This teary was entities’ and Psychologist Howord Gardener developed this theory in 1983. According to this theory,  there are  8 independent ways of processing information. They are,        1.      Verbal linguistic (word smart)        2.     Logical mathematical (logic smart)        3.     Visual spatial (picture smart)        4.     Auditory musical (music smart)        5.     Bodily kinesthetic (body smart)        6.     Interpersonal (people smart)        7.     Intrapersonal (Self smart)        8.     Naturalistic (nature smart) This intelligent are existing in people in deferent levels. By doing the  quizzes on the black board I found that