
Showing posts from April, 2017

TED TALK done by Peter Weinstock

TED TALK I listened to an interesting TED TALK done by Peter Weinstock on the “Life like simulations that make real-life surgery safer.” This ted talk is on the advancement of medical science, it is a new technology which will bring relief for patients, doctors and nurses.  The doctor describes an operation done to a new born baby. She had a rare of disease a hole in the diaphragm the intestines sneak up and disturbs the breath up. The baby was going to die soon. Doctors did an operation and save the life of the baby. Using the model of training called apprenticeship model, Surgery can be done severed times before they do a real one to get better practice. This is called medical stimulation. The new technology is a life like rehearsal it is a practice prior to the game. peter_weinstock_lifelike_ simulations_that_make_real_ life_surgery_safer


Plagiarism This week I learn about plagiarism. It’s a great fault. It is done by the students all over the world. According to the guide book at Swinburne University “plagiarism is stealing intellectual material” There are many types of plagiarism. Some students use to steal other students’ work which (may have presented earlier) represented as his own works.  If you need to write an individual assignment, you can have a discussion about the assignment. More ideas such as relevant materials and data collecting strategies can be understood by such discussion.    Plagiarism type two is connected with group work. Some students do not contribute enough to the whole work. But they got equal marks as other students who contribute a lot. This type of plagiarism is happen very often.  Two avoid this fault, all the group members must be given section of the group assignment and complete their section by using correct method and reference. Plagiarism type three is done by usin

TED TALK done by Jonathan Drori

TED TALK I listened to an interesting TED TALK done by Jonathan Drori on the beautiful tricks of flower. There are a quarter of a million flowering plants. The duty of the flower is to reproduce their species. Trees need to spread their genes with other genes to make a new plant to adapt to the environment.  For that purpose plants have to spread their pollens to faraway places. Wind is one method to spread pollen but it is not always successful. The insect and the birds are real pollinators. Flowers have many tricks attract them.  The flies, insect birds get nectar. They have nectar as their food, in return they pollinate the plants to reproduce. The birds also have adaptation to suck the nectar with long beaks. Some flowers look like insects to cheat the insects. They are cheated and reach the flower for food but they only get the pollens some flowers are in bright color so, insect can see then clearly. The array of scent emits by some flowers which are bloomed in night. As

Cricket Mania

Cricket Mania Cricket is a professional outdoor game played especially by the boys of many countries on national and international level. There are two teams of 11 players each in this outdoor game. Cricket is played until 20 overs are completed by each team. All the Laws, rules and regulation are maintained by the International Cricket Council and Marylebone Cricket Club. It is played for Test matches and One Day Internationals. Earlier it was played in the southern England during 16 th   century. However, during 18 th   century it was developed as a national sport of England. During the expansion of British Empire it was started playing overseas and by 19 th   century a first international match was held by the ICC (a governing body) with two teams having 10 members each. Cricket is the most popular game played in many countries like England, Sir Lankan, Australasia, West Indies, Indian subcontinent, and Southern Africa. Small children in Sir Lanka are very fond of this ga